Saturday, November 3, 2018


  PROCEDURES FOR DOING WUDHU AND                                     IMAGES

Procedure for performing ablution
There are 8 steps in the procedure for ablution along with the following picture and review:

1. Read "BISMILLAAHIR-RAH-MAANIR-RAHIIM", while washing both hands until the wristband is clean

2. Finish cleaning your hands and gargling 3x (three times), while cleaning your teeth clean so that there are no food marks on the teeth

3. Gargle and istinsyaq (inhale water into the nose) with the right palm and istintsar (spouting water out) with the left hand (see picture). This is done 3 times.

4. Wash your face 3 times. Face limits are from one ear to another ear and from the limit of hair growth to the forehead or forehead to the chin.

While reading the intention of ablution as below

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

نَوَيْتُ الْوُضُوْءَ لِرَفْعِ الْحَدَثِ اْلاَصْغَرِ فَرْضًا الِلَهِ تعَالَى


"Nawaitul wudhuu-a liraf'il hadatsil ashghari fardhal lilaahi ta'aalaa"


"I intend to perform ablution to remove small hadats, fard because of Allah."

5. Wash your right hand 3 times, then your left hand 3 times. Starting from the fingers by sneaking fingers, then rubbing water into the arms, then washing your elbows. Likewise with the left hand. Or it could be from the elbow to the fingertips.

6. After finishing washing both hands, you have to sweep a portion of your head hair three more times

7. Then wash the ears by inserting both index fingers into the ear and both thumbs on the outside of the ear

8. Wash your right foot 3 times, from your fingertips to your ankles. By washing your ankles and squeezing your toes. Then wash your left foot like that too

9. Read Prayer After Ablution (Prayer Completed Ablution)

اشهد ان لااله الاالله وحده لاشريك له واشهدان محمداعبده ورسوله, سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك اشهدان لااله الانت استغفرك واتوب اليك.اللهم اجعلني من التوابين, واجعلني من المتطهرين, وجعلني من عبادك الصالحين

Asyhadu an laa ilaaha illallaau wahdahuu laa syariika lah, wa asyhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuuluh. subhanakallahumma wabihamdika asyhaduallailahailla between astagfirukawaatubuilaik. Allaahummaj’alnii interest-tawwaabiin, waj’alnii minal-mutathahhiriin, waj’alnii min ‘ibaadikash-shaalihiin.

"I bear witness that there is no God but a single God, there is no partner for Him. And I testify that the Prophet Muhammad is His servant and His messenger. O Allah, make me an expert in repentance, and make me a holy person and make me from your righteous servant class. "

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